Another month, another GM. This September saw a move closer to the Common House, just up the road at The Centre, Halton. A great location (with an amazing skate park) if, on that Saturday, a mite toasty what with the warm September weather and the number of bodies in one room. Long discussions on Common House food were lightened by Polly taking the role of energy monitor and communicating with her fellow cohousers through the medium of toy gesticulation, and sprint circling of the room.
The view along Terrace A. All is peaceful. The location of the children identifiable by the assemblage of bikes, scooters and shoes.
A view from the South side of Terrace A looking East to the Common House.
Sunday sees the return of another Marshalls van, this time loaded with Paul and Kathy's worldly belongings all of which are swiftly transported to one of their two current abodes in Terrace A. For some (well me) this was the first experience of life on the pedestrian street - everyone lending a hand with a tag team of watchful adults keeping a relaxed eye on children whilst being able to help the removals.
Then afterwards hanging out on the stoop formed from the steps up to the cycle store opposite Huw and Lucy's house .
Martha, Lucy and Eliza at home.
Whittles must be feeling the pressure to deliver our homes on time. Even their most junior apprentices are working their weekends to help meet the September deadline...
Some of our first guests to Forgebank. Two (or was it three) nests of swallows with their accompanying displays of aerial bird acrobatics in the sky above the street.
Wednesday sees work starting on the gabion wall to Terrace F. Pouring rain slows the work but must help to wash the mud off the stone.
And finally, through the deluge, the view of Forgebank from the over the Lune. Our homes are coming along fast.
Can't wait to move in...