Thursday, January 26, 2012

Roofs, Terrace E foundations and the all important view from plot 5

The first of the roof timbers were put into place this week.  We have two types of roof  - the first, seen here, will have insulation at rafter level, because in this case it is accommodating the bed loft of the upstairs flat

In the middle of the terrace we are using trusses which have been manufactured off-site.  Here the insulation - half a metre of it - will be a ceiling level.  The two different types of roof have to be lined up with great care.
Meanwhile the first batch of triple glazed windows is ready to leave the Greensteps factory 
Up at Terrace E more ground has been temporarily dug away.  It is hard to believe that this is where the top footpath  once was, and will be again within a few weeks.  It is about the worst possible time of year to be having to do this work.  The builders are having to content with large quantities of wet clay.

But despite the weather the foundation upon which these houses will sit are progressing well
Meanwhile the scaffolding on terrace A shows what the view from the balcony of the remaining house, plot 5 , will be like.  The picture above is looking upstream.  The plans for the 'boathouse' opposite include a slate roof, sandblasting the stone walls, and new windows.  The roof truss top left is on its way to the neighbouring house roof, by the way!
and this will be the view from the same balcony looking downstream (south west).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

More materials arrive on site!

The first roof trusses arrived on site yesterday.  Note the bobtail construction, which allows for a  thick roof insulation layer without thermal bridging
Also on site are the manhole rings which are to form columns foundations on which Terrace E will stand

The materials have arrived for reinforcing the slope behind terraces C and D.  The green baskets will hold gabion stone.
Meanwhile the boilerhouse subcontractors have started work in the Mill.  This is the bank of three backup boilers that will handle the peak load, as well as providing cover when the woodchip boiler is being serviced.

Work on Terrace B is progressing well despite the weather, now that there are more bricklayers on site.

... and Terrace C will soon be ready for the floor slabs to be cast

The location of Terrace E is very muddy - now that work has started on the slope reinforcement

This explains why the temporary footpath closure was needed...

The excavation here has to go right up to the site boundary and will get deeper by the day...