Thursday, June 28, 2012

The building site, halfway through 2012

No-one has posted any pictures for a bit, so with planned handover of the first homes just 4 weeks away I thought it was time for a bit of a photographic update

The common house roof is growing well, scaffolding was due to come down today or tomorrow

Inside, the wiring is still going on.  We've put in more lighting options to make the space more flexible.  The kitchen will go in this corner. 
Terrace D is well and truly out of the ground.  Back in the winter there were weeks when we wondered how on earth we were going to get to this point!

The homes at this end of the terrace will have upstairs living rooms with vaulted ceilings

The scaffolding poles provide a handy perch for the local Grey Wagtails
Here's Terrace A a month before  the handover date
Plot number 5 was the first to receive its cladding.  The bottom bit is being left to the last minute to avoid any damage by the ground workers.  The balconies are being fabricated in East Lancashire and will complete the effect.

The services seem to all fit in the street after all. 

The second fix electrics have been completed in this upstairs flat

Kitchens are ready for fitting once the flooring has gone down


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Slow boat to Lancaster

Between us, the future residents of Lancaster Cohousing have many talents... which is one of the things that's got us this far. Alison knows how to tell a story -- since she joined she's been behind some of our best media coverage, and has been working with Frances on filming the project, and capturing our thoughts as we make this big transition.

She has a story of her own too of course, and she's turned the camera on herself to share a bit of her journey from London to Lancaster by narrowboat... what she's giving up, and what she's hoping for when she gets there.

Miles and I met up with Alison and Kevin on their way through Oxford, where we are still mainly based. Since we sold our house last year in preparation for the move, we've been living in what we fondly (and occasionally not so fondly) call our Interim Bungalow. Watching Alison's film made me realise what a special time this is, even with all its stresses and strains. I am inspired to try and capture a bit of my own journey on film too. So thanks Alison for sharing this and showing us what can be done!
